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Ditcheat Horticultural Society, Sports Gymkhana & Flower Show

Roger Yeoman • Aug 29, 2021

News paper report of the 1948 Show

This blog post is prompted by my visit to the  135th Hawkesbury Horticultural Society Show in South Gloucester, it is believed to be one of the longest continuously running Horticultural Shows in England. From its start in 1885, to the 134th Show in the summer of 2019, it had been held every year without a break.

The Ditcheat Show folded in the early 60's .  This report is of a show that I cannot remember, being not quite 1 year old.  However, I do recall many of the shows in my childhood and competed in the children's section.

Ditcheat's Annual Show
One of the "Best Ever" 

Success of Cheese Section 

Ditcheat Horticultural Society's annual show on Thursday, in a field lent Mr. S. R. Dyke, was one of the best in the long history of this society. Entries totalled over 500 being not far below the 1946 record figure, and the quality in several sections was stated by the judges to have surpassed anything they had seen this season. The photographic section was once again a delightful and well-supported feature. The industrial section contained a fine array of needlework, knitting, and cookery exhibits, and there was a glorious display of flowers. Another feature which this year was an outstanding success was a cheese section, in which the introduction of a new percentage class succeeded beyond the organisers' expectations, thanks largely to the enthusiasm of Mr. Hugh Look, who initiated the class and personally secured good support for it. In addition to the horticultural show there were sports for children and adults. gymkhana events, skittling competition, baby show, fun fair, refreshment tents. &c.. and the day's proceedings concluded with a dance in the Jubilee Hall. 

Principal officials were : President, Mr. S. W. Golledge; Chairman, Miss J. E. Vincent; Vice-Chairman, Mr. W. Higgens; Hon. Treasurer. Mr. S. R. Dyke: Hon. Secretary, Mr. C. H. Castle: Hon. Assistant Secretary, Mr. F. J. C. Vaux; Judges. Messrs. Gane and Stone (vegetables); Mrs. Napier, Mrs. Carr, Mrs. Comm and Mrs. Robson (table decoration and bowls of flowers). Mrs. C. White and Mr. Brown (flowers). Mrs. Allan and Mrs. Hodder (W.I. classes, handicrafts and bottled fruit). Mr. Loxton (eggs and poultry), Mr. K. Hill (cheese). Mr. Graham (photograph). Mrs. Roynon and Mrs. Leir (children's classes), Mr. Trump (honey). Dr Taylor (baby show). Sports officials : Chairman. Mr. J. K. Longman; starters, Messrs. A. H. Scutts and J. Cochrane; handicappers. Messrs. J. Barber. S. W. Golledge, A. H. Scutts and E. Dyke: judges, Col. Harrison, D.S.O. Major Hodgson, M.C.. Messrs. R. Dyer. C. G. Graham and H. C. Limtern. 

Principal show winners were as follows : Agricultural workers Ditcheat parish, —Vegetables White cabbages, spring-sown onions and winter-sown onions F. Higgens; single shallots and marrows. W. Higgens; carrots, long, G. Hoskins; short, P. Higgens; parsnips. W. Higgens; turnips. G. Hoskins; beet, globe. F. Higgens: lettuce. F. Higgens; peas, W. Higgens; broad beans. G. White; runner beans, potatoes, and collection vegetables. F. Higgens. All parishioners except those employing regular gardener.—Vegetables— White cabbages, red cabbages, spring-sown onions, and autumn-sown ditto Miss J. E. Vincent; single shallots. A. E. Phillips; marrows. W. Higgens; carrots, long. G Hoskins; short. W. Higgens; celery, F. Higgens; parsnips, R. C. Billing- turnips Miss J. E. Vincent: beet, globe W Higgens; lettuce. A. E. Phillips; peas. A. E. Richards; broad beans. R. C. Billing: runner beans, D. Webb; frame cucumbers. Miss J. E. Vincent: ridge. R. C. Billing; tomatoes, A. H. Scutts (2); potatoes, W. Higgens; heaviest potatoes, White; cooked potatoes, Mrs T. H. Look: collection vegetables. P. Higgens. Fruit—Cooking apples. W. Boon; dessert. S. H. Ford; bottle soft fruit. Miss J. E. Vincent; ditto, stone fruit. Mrs. Boon. Flowers— Window plant pot, flowering- and foliage, A. E. Phillips: begonias. Miss R Deck; roses, Mrs. Graham; dahlias. G. Emery; sweet peas, L. C. Bailey: asters. Mrs. F. Vaux (2); antirrhinums. Mrs. F. Vaux (2); annuals Miss B. Look; bunch of sweet peas Mrs. G White: garden flowers. A. E. Phillips: bowl garden flowers. Miss J, E. Vincent. 
Ditcheat and Alhampton W.I. members. —Rock garden, Miss B. Look; shopping bag Miss W. Scutts; salad. Miss W. Scutts. 
Open.—Shallots. F. Higgins:. spring-sown onions L. Adams; autumn-sown ditto. G. Emery: potatoes. A. E. Phillips: carrots, long G. Hoskins: short, W. Higgins; parsnips R. D. Sealey (2): annuals and perennial E J. Eliott; gladioli A. E. Philips; sweet peas. R, D. Sealey; garden flowers Miss J. E. Vincent. Fruit—Cooking apples. W. Boon; dessert ditto. T. Golledge; plums. Mrs. P. W. Brake; bottled fruit Mrs. P. H. Brake; plum jam. Miss I. Golledge; gooseberry jam. Mrs. Croft. 

Eggs and poultry—Hen eggs, white. Miss S. E. Hunt; brown. Miss B. Lester; any colour, Mrs. R. A Price; cockerel, dressed for table, R M. Snell; duck, ditto. Miss B. Lester; duck eggs, Mrs. P. W. Brake (2). Honey—Pot. light, C. Joyce; dark. Mrs. Graham; comb honey. C. N. Crofts. 

Cheese – Single cheese or 3 truckles, not less than 40lbs.. Wm. Cole: one cheese, not less than 40lbs. (percentage class), W. H. Dauncey. 

Handicraft Section (open). Handknitted socks or stockings. Miss A. Look: hand-knitted garment for adult wear, Miss I. M. Corp; "Something new out of something old,'' Miss W. Scutts". hand-made embroidered article. Miss N, Dawkins; hand-made article, boys or men. P. M. Sullivan. Photography—Snapshot scenes, landscapes, &c., T. Golledge; ditto of child under 14, Mrs Harris; ditto. animals, birds, pets at large or at the zoo, Miss M. H. Wride. 

Children's Section.—Girls under 16, table decoration. Ann Richards; girls at school, handicraft, Mary Kynaston; under 14. decoration vase with garden flowers. Joan Bailey; under 14, knitted garment. Joyce White: infants (under 8 years), wild flowers, W. Webb. 
Table decoration, open—Mrs. Vincent. 
Baby show. —Under 1-2 months, Judith E. Meader; under 2 years, Chervle M. Collett. 


100 yards (girls under 8), Susan Perry: boys (9-10), Dennis Hutchings; boys over 10. John Badman; sack race (girls), Brenda Collett; boys under 10. Dennis Hutchings: over 10. John Badman; three-legged. Brenda Collett and Douglas Emery; egg and spoon (girls). Sheila Collett; boys (under 10), Dennis Hutchings; boys over 10. Douglas Emery: wheelbarrow race (under 10). J. Perry and M, Barber; over 10. Terry and Veronica Moore; hand-in-hand race, Tony and Veronica Moore; blindfold race. Alan Hutchings and Eileen Fenner; backward race, Mary Scutt and Tony Moore; allfours race (girls), Eileen Fenner and Joyce White (equal); boys. Tony Moore: hopping race (girls). Eileen Fenner; boys under 10, Robert Baby; boys over 10, Tony Moore. 


100 yards flat (open, handicap, men), Kenneth C. Fear (scr.); ladies, Miss R. A. White fscr.); pushing cycle backwards 100 yards (open). A. E. Richards; potato race on cycles (open). C. Payne; mixed relay race (open), C. Payne's team: egg and spoon race (open. Margaret Adams; sack race (ladies, open). Mrs. A. E. Richards: gent's, C. Payne; novelty race (mixed). Norris Yeoman; quarter-mile flat (handicap. open), C. Payne (scr.); hurdle race (local), P. W. Moody; ex-Service men's 100 yards (handicap), E. Dyke (scr.):
Pony jumping (not exceeding 14.2 hands, children under 16. open), M. Churches: horse jumping (open), T. Brake; novice horse jumping (open), G. R. Creed: tennis racket and ball competition (horseback, open) G. Higgins: Gretna Green race (open), Miss S. Snell: musical poles (horseback open). Miss R. 'Yeoman; costume race (horseback, open) C. G. Oborne. 

Taunton Courier, and Western Advertiser - Saturday 14 August 1948
Image © Reach PLC. Image created courtesy of THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD.
by Roger Yeoman 29 Aug, 2021
News paper report of the 1948 Show This blog post is prompted by my visit to the 135th Hawkesbury Horticultural Society Show in South Gloucester, it is believed to be one of the longest continuously running Horticultural Shows in England. From its start in 1885, to the 134th Show in the summer of 2019, it had been held every year without a break. The Ditcheat Show folded in the early 60's . This report is of a show that I cannot remember, being not quite 1 year old. However, I do recall many of the shows in my childhood and competed in the children's section.
by NET22166 30 May, 2021
This post was prompted by a response to this website from Denise Graham, she wrote "Both my husband & myself worked for John Wainwrights over at Stoke St Michael, Many years ago a large brass 'nut' was found (for the wheel of a horse drawn stone waggon). It is stamped with "Ditcheat Waggon Works Shepton Mallet(t). ? Padfield & Son(s). It has been 'persuaded' on and off with a chisel, so some letters are unclear. Would you know any history of Padfields Waggon works? " During my childhood the business in the centre of Ditcheat was run by Mitchell & Hill Builders & Undertaker, wheelwrights, smithy and wagon building had stopped. Although I remember the Tyring Platform present in the yard. The first record I found from the newspaper archives dated January 1890 is of William Hodges advertising for a blacksmith.
by Roger Yeoman 14 Feb, 2021
A few people will remember the dilapidated wall along the Grove footpath pre 1992, when you could just step over a pile of stones into the orchard. It was not economical to repair as far as the agricultural use would justify and the ownership was questionable, a problem that was often raised at Parish Council. One day when Norris Yeoman was cleaning along the path surface and edges a car pulled up at the end and this chance meeting led to the wall being rebuilt. The gentleman was a representative of Bovis and was looking for projects to put forward for the government's Employment Action scheme, where unemployed people would volunteer minimum of 32¼ hours per week and receive £10 per week over and above their DSS benefits. A scheme was approved and the Parish Funded the materials with contribution from the farmer, Earnest Dyke. A large van body was purchased and used as a site store and cabin. There was a set back when the men's tools were stolen from the lock up store. The next night the hired mixer was also stolen. A villager loaned his mixer, more tools were forthcoming and within a few days £365 was collected in the village to replace the original tools.
by Roger Yeoman 09 Jan, 2021
The quarry was in existence since from about 1870 and was generally described as producing “Blue Lias Lime and Selenitic Cement”, but in Kelly’s Directory of 1902, it also claims Portland cement. The opening of the quarry quickly followed the completion of the Burnham to Evercreech section of the Somerset & Dorset Railway in 1862 During the next 40 years the quarry was operated by a number of owners, this page reproduces advertisements and newspaper reports of events and court cases. It is interesting reading and is an insight to the industrial heritage in Pylle and the local area. The newspaper reports were researched from with additional information from Maps are found at The National Library of Scotland which has more editions of OS maps including the First Edition maps from 1884, use this link ,
by Roger Yeoman 05 Jan, 2021
Examples of Ditcheat bricks stamped "C Welch" can be found in a number of walls around the village. The location of the brick works is shown on an 1884 map available at The works are missing in the 1928 revision The area worked covered the whole of the site now occupied by the houses on the east side of Folly Drive. Clay was excavated to the level of the rear gardens right up to the front gate of the present houses. The houses are build on made up ground, mostly with the surplus trench spoil arising from the installation of mains drainage in the village around 1958.
by Roger Yeoman 03 Jan, 2021
Shepton Mallet Journal - Friday 05 February 1926 Image © Reach PLC. Image created courtesy of THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD. DITCHEAT. Farewell Gathering. —A very pleasant evening was spent at the Green tree Inn,” on Friday last, on the occasion the departure of the Post Office Linesmen, who have, for this last three months, been residing in the village during the installation new lines. Mr. George Merrifield, speaking for the villagers, said that the company the linesmen would be greatly missed, and that if they should happen to return to the district at some, future date, they might be sure of very hearty welcome. Mr. Bert Lockyer, replying on behalf the linesmen, spoke highly of Ditcheat hospitality, and .said that they would always live in the hope of returning to the village, if only for short stay. The Ditcheat Jazz Band, which was in attendance during the evening, and rendered excellent music, was ably led Mr. Herbert Mintern.
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