Church Organ

New church organ installed 1888

Shepton Mallet Journal - Friday 25 May 1888


Organ Opening. —Sunday last was red-Ietter day in the annals of the parish church, the occasion being the opening a new organ which has been placed in the sacred edifice at a cost of about £260. Most of this sum was obtained the sale of the old instrument, private subscriptions, and public concerts. The new organ which was built Mr. J. Vowles, of Bristol, is a great improvement on old one. The services on Sunday were very bright and hearty. The communion table, pulpit, reading desk, and lectern were neatly decorated with flowers, wild, and cultivated. The service in the morning, consisted of Matins, and Holy Communion. Prayers were read by the Rev. P. M. Flynn, curate, and the lessons the Rev. W. M. Leir, rector. The service in the evening, when the church was crowded, was conducted by the Rev. Randolph Leir, who also preached sermon. The service commenced with Hymn, No. 130, A and M, “All people that on earth do dwell.” The Magnificat and Nunc Dimmittis were sung to setting Bunnott in F, The anthem was, ” Jewry is tied known,” (Barnby); which was nicely rendered bv the choir. The hymn before the sermon was No. 307, Pleasant are thy courts above.” The Rev. R. Leir took for his text,Psalm cxxii, 1; “I was glad when they said unto me let us into the House the Lord;” and Psalm lxxiiv., 10; day in thy courts better than thousand.” At the conclusion his sermon, the rev. gentleman appealed to congregation to give liberally towards freeing the organ from debt. The offertory hymn was No. 370, Lord Heaven, and earth, and sea.” the singing throughout the day went exceedingly well, and great praise is due to members of the choir, and especially Mr. T. Vincent, who brought several friends to take part in the services. The church was well attended the morning, and in the evening was filled to excess. Several of the chants, &e., were very old, and the whole service was equally divided between ancient and modern music. the change from one to the other was very effective. The offertory, in aid of organ fund, amounted to 16s 9d at the morning service, and at the evening service, £2 10s 7d; total, 7s 4jd. At the conclusion of the service, the organist, Mr. Norris, played several selections on the organ, concluding with the Hallelujah Chorus.” During the day, merry peals wore rung on the bells, and flag was hoisted on the Church tower. The following is description the organ. It was built by Mr. Vowles, of Bristol; is handsome instrument, in pitch-pine case. the front pipes are richly ornamented. the tone is sweet, and the pipes are excellently voiced, there not being the slighted trace of harshness in any of them. the action is all that could desired. the organ has two manuals, and the pedals arc full compass, radiating and concave. There are four composition pedals, two for the swell organ, and two for the groat. There arc three couplers, and a 16ft. bourdon. The great organ contains: Flute, 4ft.; dulciana clarabella, and open diapason, all Bft. The swell is and contains: Piccolo, 2ft.; principal, 4ft.; oboc,jgamba, open diapason, and stopt diapason, all 8ft.

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